I believe after 1.5 years of continuous employment at my big girl job, it is time to display office personality. Granted, I was blessed with unique and cute desk items when I started. I've always had a picture of my sweet Bailey dog on my desk, but the other day I received an e-mail from a co-worker that had pictures attached of real-life office desks piled high with papers, books, etc. and asked "How does your desk look?" It made me think of a photo quote from a previous issue of Real Simple magazine that said "One persons mess is merely another person's filing system" with a little girl with toys spread out completely over her bed. And that pretty much sums up our office due to special events and required items, materials, etc. So, I found that quote, framed it, and it's going on my desk Monday. :)
PS: Anyone got an old digital camera they're looking to make a buck off of? My cell phone cam isn't cutting the mustard right about now. :/
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